Thursday, May 7, 2009


blog*ar*rhe*a [blog-uh-ree-uh] -noun- The uncontrollable urge to write about trivial things that matter to nobody except the writer, yet are oddly entertaining to the morbidly curious.

I have a self-diagnosed case of blogarrhea. Now that I’ve decided to write, it seems that I just can’t control myself. So, today is lovely randomness. Release the hounds!

~ This weekend will be my first Mother’s Day as a single mom. The meaning behind this holiday is changing for me. To me, it used to be a day for moms to relax while the rest of the family kicked in to take care of things and show her how much they appreciate her. However, the sheer logistics of being a single mom just don’t allow for that. In reflection, it’s now more about the bond. Jayna and I are tight, and I like it that way. So, it’s not all about what I do to keep our little machine running, it’s about how we hold on to each other.

~ I learned something new last night…I’m a catch…a great buy! However, I may have been found in the clearance aisle. I'm not sure yet. I’m still getting used to the flow of attention that comes with on-line dating. It’s more challenging than I thought! I’ve gotten better at weeding out the creeps, but managing conversations with those that I’m potentially interested in remains a skill that I have yet to completely refine. I still don’t like saying “we met on-line”…I mean, that just sounds pitiful. Eww. While I think it’s completely acceptable, especially with the lack of feasibility in meeting men the “conventional” way, some people do not. You say you met on-line and the eyebrows go up and the creep factor immediately and exponentially multiplies. So, I think I’m just going to develop a code system. On-line=Wal-mart. “We met at Wal-Mart. We were both reaching for the last bunch of bananas.” Sounds completely redneck, but you get to side-step the creep talk later. People don’t question your love for bananas, because, well…that would just not be right.

~ I’m wondering what to do about my basket. A few (3 to be exact) new prospects have surfaced over the past few days. Pretty good prospects, too. I don’t really want a bigger basket, though…I’m thinking I might just need to downgrade from a shopping cart to one of those baskets you carry through the store when you only need a few items and want to avoid the cart traffic jam. I will probably be meeting 1 of the 3 in the next few days, and I’m not sure about the others. It would be pretty sweet if I could work like the DMV…have a counter, with one customer at a time, while the rest take a number and wait patiently. Sadly, real life doesn’t work that way. Hmm…what to do, indeed…


  1. I am just still in shock that you are single!! I mean, what a lame ass, I had no clue.

    I don't think you need a relationship right now, truth be told. Enjoy being your own agent, or Red Riding Hood, if you will. (get it, cause she's carrying a basket? not as funny if you just needed it explained to you.)
    Whore around for a minute, you've been in relationships since I've known you, have you not? Just be safe..protected..have fun, get drunk, dance and be silly.

    Then get back into a relationship.

    Says me.

  2. dang, i said relationship 4 times counting the one in this sentence.

  3. Forget Single! You aren't single...just on display while you weigh you options. There are a great many beautiful baskets out there that are full of all kinds of chaos! Believe it or not, lesson learned. You should by now, know exactly what it is that you want & that you are looking for...right? You aren't single, you are just too expensive for most common morons simply window shopping!

    By the way, you two have got me blogging! I will send you a link soon! Thanks for the contaicous disease!

  4. Thanks girls. :D And yes, Joy...I'm a relationship kinda girl. I think Fergie's "Clumsy" song was written for me. LOL As one guy told me once, he suspected I was a "serial monogamist." LOL Perfecto.

  5. Oh I love you girl!! You have me cracking up!
